Chapter 5 Provisioning
Provisioning Scheduler
Global Management System User’s Guide
Here are the possible states that are returned when provisioning.
Status Column Description
Pending Pending to Provision
Updating Provisioning in progress
Successful Provisioning completed
Failed Could not perform Provisioning
Here is a list of the possible reasons why a system is not yet provisioned or failed to provisioned.
Pending State
1. The device is ofine.
2. Device is in a call.
Failure State
1. Provisioning prole does not exist
2. Provisioning prole does not contain any provisioning information.
3. The device is no longer managed by this server.
4. Device password needed.
5. The device is busy.
6. Network error.
7. Incomplete transfer of provisioning information.
8. Provisioning timed out
9. Internal error occurred. Please reboot the selected device.
10. Error unknown. Please reboot the selected device.