Troubleshooting Guide
Global Management System User’s Guide
Running Global Management System
How do I calculate Greenwich Mean Time offset?
Click on date and time in the control panel on your computer. A pull down menu will state
what the GMT offset is at your location.
What is the posting frequency from the video endpoints?
Video endpoints does not auto post to Global Management System at a specic interval.
Instead the video endpoints posts information whenever it receives a request from Global
Management System. For example, a user clicks on the Call Status tab, which causes the
video endpoints to post call status information.
When the server address is entered, the browser page appears with an HTTP 404 error.
The browser cannot nd the default web page. Default website location may not properly
set. On IIS, check the path on the Default Website properties for the correct location. It
should be “drive:/Inetpub/wwwroot” where Global Management System web folders are
stored under.
Why can’t I access the web interface of ViaVideo but can with a ViewStation through the
Manage System feature of Global Management System?
ViaVideo must be password protected before Global Management System can access the
web interface. By default, ViaVideo does not have password protection enabled. To set the
password in ViaVideo, navigate to System info > Global Services > Global Management
in the ViaVideo web interface. On this page, there is a Web Access Password eld.
Once a password is entered, this unit’s web interface can be accessed through Global
Management System when the login in information is lled in through the Manage System
What is “Other” device type and how to use it?
“Other” device type can be any web server that supports HTTP. What is required is the
ability to understand HTTP web request. For example, Sony® Contact 1600 has a web
server which can be monitor by using “Other” device type. When adding using “Other”
device type, user species the IP address, the port, and the HTML le (if it is not the
default.htm le). Global Management System will be able to detect whether the system is
online or ofine based on the response string of that device.
Does Global Management System work through the rewall?
This depends on the setup of the video network behind the rewall. As long as the IP
address of the managed endpoints aren’t translated through NAT (Network Address
Translation), port 80 (HTTP), port 21 (FTP), and port 3601 (GAB protocol), Global
Management System will function properly. Some rewall policies don’t allow request
outside the rewall to be made. If this is the case, Global Management System can’t
manage the endpoints inside the network. It is then required to have policy change to
allow TCP request from the Global Management System server.