FAV,INPUT In TV Mode, press to toggle through the available input
sources (VIDI, VID2, previous channel). In SATmode, press to select
channel lists.
ANTENNA When in TV mode, changes the antenna input. Functions
asTV-.VCR button in VCR mode and TV-SAT button in SAT.CABLE
CLEAR Removes any menu or display from the screen and returns to
TV viewing.
MENUoSELECT Brings up the Main Menu. When in the menu system,
selects highlighted items. When on an Exit button, returns to the
previous menu. When in VCR mode, functions asa Program button.
RESET Returns all picture quality controls to their original settings.
MOVE (Arrows) Used to point to different itemsin the menu system.
Also usedto adjust the menu controls and to move the PIPwindow
when no menus are on the screen.
PIP Brings up the small picture-in-picture window. Pressagain to
remove the PIPwindow.
SPLIT Divides the main picture into left and a right pictures. Press
again to remove the split screen.
POP Brings up three small picture-outside-picture windows. Press
again to remove the POP windows.
CH GUIDE Bringsup twelve small pictures that are previews of the
next twelve channels in the channel list. Use the up and down arrows
1:oseethe next or previous four channels. PressMENU to go to the
channel you have highlighted. PressGUIDE again to remove the
channel guide.
CH CTRL Selects whether the main picture or a PIX+ window is
affected by the CHAN and FREEZEbuttons.
SWAP Swaps the main picture with the currently selected
PIX+ window.
FREEZE Freezesthe video in the main picture or the PIP window (if it
SIZE Selectsthe size of the PIPwindow.
SCAN Briefly displays each channel from the current channel list.
Press again to stop scan.
THE LIGHTBULB (O) Illuminates the remote buttons. After a few
seconds the light automatically shuts itself off.
FETCH Contains up to five frequently used controls from other menus.
You can choose what controls are available at the fetch menu.
I he POP windows display only an- 1
tenna or cableTV signals.Signals from
the video inputs are not displayed in
POP windows.
I o add your own favorite control to ]
the Fetch Menu, see Using and Modi-
Jfiling Fetch, p. 58.