NORM All the channels that have Normal checked make up the
Normal list. These channels can be viewed by scanning with the
CHAN buttons, if the Normal viewing list is selected in the Options
control panel in the Screen menu. In Normal viewing, channels that
are not part of the list can be viewed by using the number buttons on
the remote. Use the MENU button to check or uncheck the Normal
box for a channel.
FAV All the channels that have Favorite checked make up the Favorite
list. You can place 10 channels in the FAV list.
Parent Approved Use the MENU button to check or uncheck the
Parental Control box for a channel. A check indicates that the channel
can be shown at any time, regardless of whether Parental Control is
turned on. No check indicates that the front panel cannot tune to that
channel when Parental Control is turned on. Important: You must
turn the Parental Control feature to On.
SAP (Second Audio Program) When this ischosen for a channel, the
channel's dialog is in a second language, if a second-language audio
signal is available. The TV displays the word SAP when you tune to a
program that is broadcast with SAP information. SAP audio is
broadcast in mono.
Labels Use the MOVE arrows to enter a graphic logo or six-character
custom text label for each channel. Hold the button down to scroll
quickly through the characters-there are a lot of them. Press RESET to
clear a label. The TV can store at least 24 labels in memory. You may
wish to use the graphic Iogos for most channels and create custom text
labels for special channels.
Channel Display Lets you choose whether the channel number is
displayed in the upper right corner of the main picture.
Auto Channel Search Tells the TV to search automatically for all the
channels available through the antenna input(s). When the TV finds an
active channel, it places it in the Normal channel list. Inactive
channels-weak stations or channels with no signal at all-are removed
from the channel list. Video 1 is automatically assigned to the Normal
channel list. If the VIDEO 2 and VIDEO 3 inputs were assigned to a
device, they are added to the Normal channel list also.