Chapter 13. Web Applications Tutorial 169
// print in English:
System.out.println((String) message.localize(new Locale("en", "", "")));
// print in Spanish:
System.out.println((String) message.localize(new Locale("es", "", "")));
// print in French:
System.out.println((String) message.localize(new Locale("fr", "", "")));
The output will appear as follows:
This is a red wine.
Este es un vino rojo.
C’est un vin rouge.
When a key is not found in a ResourceBundle, or when the ResourceBundle is not found at all,
the localize(java.util.Locale) method returns the key. This is done for two reasons: first, it is
more user-friendly to display the key than it is to display an exception or error message. Second,
this method makes it easier for a translator to see all the resources that need to be translated on a
particular page.
There are GlobalizedMessage constructors that do nothave the base name of theResourceBundle
as a parameter. When these constructors are used, the base name of the ResourceBundle for the
current application is used. This information is retrieved from the current ApplicationContext.
Using these constructors is discouraged because the method is non-deterministic with regard to
changes in the application stack. For example, if an application written by one developer — e.g.
notes — runs on top of a portal application written by another developer, and it is using these
certain GlobalizedMessage constructors, an error can occur.
The first application is no longer the current running application, and therefore the base name of the
ResourceBundle for the GlobalizedMessages will be set incorrectly. It will be set to the base name
of the ResourceBundle for the Portal application.
Only use these constructors if you are sure that your application will always be at the top of the
application stack.
13.5. Globalization and Bebop
Bebop is enabled to use GlobalizedMessages wherever the localizable content is displayed to the
To display localized content to the user using Bebop, pass a GlobalizedMessage to the Bebop
widget. For example, to write a globalized HelloWorld page using Bebop:
package com.arsdigita.helloworld;
import com.arsdigita.bebop.Label;
import com.arsdigita.bebop.Page;