
Chapter 7. Developing with WAF 39
It is recommended to only select Warning for the options:
Methods overridden but not package visible
Methods with a constructor name
Hidden catch blocks
Otherwise, your compilations will output hundreds of messages in your Tasks window.
7.4.3. Eclipse Project Configuration
This section covers adding and configuring projects to Eclipse for developing with WAF. Adding Projects
1. In Eclipse, go to File =
New = Project.
2. Select Java Project.
3. Name the project, e.g. webapp and select your existing WAF core-platform directory as the
project directory.
4. In the source tab, make sure that Eclipse lists the WAF source directory, src/. If it is not
there, click Add Existing Folders... to add it. You may also want to add the directory for the
Junit test code, test/src/.
After adding the existing source folders, click on Create New Folder... and name the folder
_generated. This is where Eclipse will store its JavaCC-generated source files.
5. Select the Libraries tab once you are presented with the Java Settings dialog box.
6. Click on Add JARs and select all the JARs under your WAF Project (typically under lib
and etc/lib).
7. Click on Add External JARs and add the following JARs:
$RESIN_HOME/lib/jta-spec JAR
8. Click on the Order and Export tab. Select All.
9. Create a build folder for Eclipse on your file system. Then, enter the path to that build folder
in the Build output folder input box.
10. Click on the Finish button.