Appendix D.
PDL Syntax
This chapter introduces the syntax for the Persistence Definition Language.
D.1. PDL Grammar
The following is an Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) grammar that defines the current PDL
language. EBNF is a standard notation for formally defining a language that extends BNF (they are
functionally equivalent -- EBNF simply introduces some elements for better readability).
In this grammar, items within angle braces
ITEM are terminals (tokens), while
those not within angle brackets are non-terminals. If you are unfamiliar with EBNF,
http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/text/bnf.html is a good starting point.
/** Top level constructs. */
file :=
model <SEMI>
( pdl_import <SEMI> )*
( object_type | association | data_operation )*
model := <MODEL> idpath
pdl_import := <IMPORT> idpath ( <DOT> <STAR> )?
object_type :=
( ( <EXTENDS> type |
<CLASS> javaClass <ADAPTER> javaClass |
<RETURNS> <INT> <DOT> <DOT> ( id | <INT> ) ) )?
<LBRACE> ( statement )* <RBRACE>
association :=
<ASSOCIATION> <LBRACE> property <SEMI> property <SEMI>
( property <SEMI> )*
( option_block )?
( event )* <RBRACE>
data_operation :=
<DATA_OPERATION> id <LBRACE> ( option_block )? sql_block <RBRACE>
/** First level constructs. */
statement := ( simple_statement <SEMI> | compound_statement )
simple_statement :=
( property_stmt | object_key | reference_key |
unique_key | aggressive_load | join_stmt )
compound_statement := ( event | option_block )
/** Simple statements */
property_stmt := property