
Page 14 SonicWALL ViewPoint
Logging Into the ViewPoint Web Interface
You will need to configure several settings in the ViewPoint
Web Interface in order to view network reports.
From a Web browser, type http://LocalHost or http://<ViewPoint
Server IP Address> into the Location or Address field or
launch ViewPoint from the SonicWALL folder in the Win-
dows Start menu. An authentication window similar to the
following will be displayed.
Note: If you configured the ViewPoint Web server to use a
different port than port 80, then add the port number to
the URL, for example,
1. Type the User Name and Password.
Note: The default User Name is "admin" and the default
Password is "password."
Note: The password that was configured during the ViewPoint
installation is used to authenticate to your SonicWALL, it does
not provide access to ViewPoint.
2. Click the Login button to login to the Web Interface.
Note: Confirm that the authentication screen has finished
loading before attempting to log in. Also note that the
ViewPoint password is case-sensitive.