Page 30 SonicWALL ViewPoint
The Mail Usage Summary Report displays a bar graph of
Mail traffic through the SonicWALL in KBytes transferred.
The table displays the hour of the day, the number of Mail
events that occurred during the hour, the number of KBytes
transferred for Mail, and the number of KBytes as a per-
centage of the total KBytes for the report period.
Note: Mail Usage includes SMTP, POP3, and IMAP traffic.
Top Users of Mail
The Top Users of Mail report shows the most active users on
the LAN, WAN, or DMZ sending or receiving E-mail mes-
sages. This report shows the number of E-mail files
transferred by user in KBytes and the total number of E-
mail events through the SonicWALL.
The Top Users of Mail report displays a pie chart of the top
10 users by the number of Mail Events. The report table
lists the top 10 users displayed in the chart, the number of
KBytes transferred by the user, the number of mail events
generated by the user, and the number of events as a per-
centage of the total Mail Events during the report period.
Attack Reports
Attack Summary Report
The Attack Summary Report shows the number of attacks
the SonicWALL received over the report period. It displays
Denial of Service attacks, intrusions, probes, and all other
malicious activity targeted against the SonicWALL or com-
puters on the LAN or DMZ.
The Attack Summary Report displays a bar graph of the
number of attacks received by the SonicWALL. The table
displays the hour of the day, the number of attacks that
occurred during the hour and the number of attacks as a
percentage of the total attacks during the report period.
Top Sources of Attacks
The Top Sources of Attacks report shows the top users that
attacked the SonicWALL or devices on the network over
the report period. Top sources of attacks reveal the IP ad-
dresses or host names of devices that generated the most