
Page 21
This section briefly describes the ViewPoint Web Interface and
the Web-based help options. The ViewPoint Web Interface
may be accessed from a Web browser from any computer
located on the same network as the ViewPoint Server.
Note: Please use Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater or Netscape
Navigator 4.0 or greater to login and manage ViewPoint.
Confirm that your Web browser is configured to allow cook-
ies and Java code.
General, Bandwidth, Services, Web Usage, Web Filter,
FTP Usage, Mail Usage, Attacks, and Configure options
appear on the left side of the window. You may navigate
through the Web-based ViewPoint reports by selecting and
expanding the menu options on the left side of browser win-
dow and then selecting the desired ViewPoint report. The
ViewPoint Web Interface should be intuitive and easy-to-navi-
gate for anyone familiar with the tree-structure menu design.
The ViewPoint Web Interface also includes links at the top
right corner of the browser window. These options are:
Date, Help, and Logout.
The Date option opens a new window. This window al-
lows you to change the report date from a Web-based
The Help option displays comprehensive instructions for
installing, configuring and troubleshooting ViewPoint.
The Logout option on the upper right side of the browser
window terminates the management session and
redisplays the Authentication window. If the Logout op-
tion is clicked, it will be necessary to reauthenticate to
use ViewPoint.
Note: The ViewPoint administrator will be automatically
logged out of the ViewPoint User Interface after 5 minutes of
The current report date is displayed at the top right of the
ViewPoint window.