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Parental Controls
Media Center provides a process by which selected programs can be blocked from
viewing. The first time you enter Parental Control, you will be asked to enter, and then
confirm a new four digit access code. Once complete, you will be given access to the
following parental controls:
Use the arrow keys on your remote control to move to the buttons for each option.
Press the OK button to select (add a check mark) or deselect (remove a check mark).
When finished, select Save.
If you turn on TV blocking, you can then select allowable
TV ratings for viewing, and by selecting Advanced, you
can choose more restrictive rating than TV-MA for specific
types of content.
If you turn on movie blocking, you can then select the
maximum allowed movie rating for viewing.
To change the access code, enter and then confirm a new
code. You must be logged on as Administrator.
Resets the Parental Control back to the default settings.
Parental Controls