Live TV Watch your favorite TV show or movie LIVE. Use the Media
Center buffer feature to pause, rewind, fast forward, or continue
viewing your live program in progress. Use the MORE INFO
button on the remote control to display TV show information.
Recorded TV Record any TV show or program for later viewing. Plus, view
a list of recorded programs by date or title, a list of programs
scheduled to be recorded, play a recorded program, find out why
a program wasn’t recorded, or add a TV recording
Guide Download a listing of current television programming from
your local television service provider. Set Media Center to
automatically update the program guide, or manually update
whenever you are connected to the Internet.
Search Quickly find a TV program or a series to watch or record by
entering a descriptive word, program title, or program category.
Movies Go online to find movies on TV to watch now or later. Get the
latest movie information, read reviews, see cast lists, find other
times the movie is broadcast, browse for related movies, and find
other movies with the same cast members.
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