
Start Menu | Settings | TV
As you answer the questions and progress through the screens, you are required to
Identify Your Display Type, identify your Connection Type, decide how to
Optimize Media Center for your Display, and Adjust your Display Settings. From
here, select Adjust Display Controls, then select Next to view the screen Display
Calibration. Here you can adjust the characteristics of your TV or monitor.
Note: Display setting may need to be refined using the nVIDIA
utiltiy program. To access
the utility program, right-click anywhere on your desktop and select nVIDIA DISPLAY.
Configure Your TV or
Media Center makes it easy to
set up your TV or monitor for
viewing. Just read the on-screen
information and answer a few
questions—Media Center does
the rest!
A video is provided that contains
additional information on setting
up your display and improving
the quality of your video viewing.
Configure Your TV or Monitor