
paper. And it may be helpful to write the dot values (128, 64,
32, etc.) down the left side of each row. Then after you’ve filled
in the “dots” that you want to print, it’s time to get out the old
calculator again! Just as you did with download characters, add
up the values of each column of dots; this makes up one byte.
In the program below, we’ve taken the logo graphics infor-
mation and put it into BASIC DATA statements. The program
itself is short and simple. The loop starting at line 100 reads the
data statements into a string array variable called LOGO$. In
line 170 we change the line spacing to 8/72 inch so that the lines
of graphics data will connect vertically. The actual printing is
done in the loop between lines 180 and 210; line 190 sends the
graphics control code to SD-lo/l5 and line 200 sends one line
of graphics data.
The printout from the program is shown right below
Figure 10-2. By laying out the logo on graph paper, you can calculate
all of the graphics data.
10 ‘Prints S&S logo.
241 LINE.8$ = CHR$(27>+CHR$(65)+CHR$(8)
30 ‘Set line spacing to l/6”
40 LINE.12$ = CHR$(27)+CHR$(5@)
50 ‘Select dot graphics