
Now, let’s set some vertical tabs of our own. Add these lines
to the program:
12 LPRINT CHR$(27) "P" CHR$(l@) ;
14 LPRINT CHR$(2@) CHR$(4@) CHR$(5Q)) CHR$(@) ;
< ESC > “P” is the command to set vertical tabs for the STAR
mode. Like the horizontal tab setting command, tab positions
must be defined in ascending order. Our example sets vertical
tabs at lines 10, 20, 40 and 50. Then the CHR$( 11) in each of
the following lines advances the paper to the next vertical tab.
The printout is shown below.
First tab.
Second tab.
Third tab.
Fourth tab.
Add one more line to the program to demonstrate one more
feature of vertical tabs.
60 LPRINT CHR$(ll) "Fifth tab."
Now when you run the program the tirst page looks just like
before, but line 60 sends one more < VT > than there are tabs.