
* to remind an operator to change the paper or to make another
adjustment to the printer. Note to Apple users: Entering a
CHR$(7) will sound Apple’s bell; the code will not be sent to
You can try this by typing:
There are two other codes that affect the bell. One disables the
bell, so that SD-lo/l5 will ignore a CHR$(7), and the other turns
the bell back on. All three codes that affect the bell are shown
in the following table.
Table 8-l
Bell commands
Mode Control code
Sound bell
Disable bell
STAR < ESC > “Y” 0
< ESC > “y” 0
Enable bell
STAR <ESC> “Y” 1
< ESC > “y” ]
Note: If your computer does not support lowercase characters, use
CHR$( 12 1) for “y”.
n Initializing SD- X0/ 15
Up to now when we wanted to reset SD-lo/l5 to the power
on condition we have had to either turn the printer off and then
on again, or to send the specific codes that reset the particular
features. There is an easier way. The control code < ESC > “@”
will reset all of SD-lo/l 5’s features to the power on condition -
(as determined by the DIP switches), with two excep.tions. Those
exceptions are that < ESC > “@” will not erase any characters
that you have stored in SD-lo/l 5’s RAM memory (Chapter 9
tells you how to create your own characters), and it won’t erase
the macro if you have one stored in SD-lo/l 5’s RAM (this chapter
will tell you how to create a macro).
W Putting SD- IO/l 5 to sleep
You know how to put SD-lo/l5 offlline with the On Line
button. SD-lo/l 5 has another ofFline state that can be controlled
from your computer. When you turn SD-lo/l 5 off-fine from your
computer. SD- 1 O/l 5 will ignore anything that you send it, except