Chapter 3 Error Messages 27
disk queue volume <vol> must not
match any primary SNDR volume or
RM The disk queue volume specified for the
reconfiguration operation is already in use by the
remote mirror software as a data volume or bitmap
don't understand shadow type
PITC The iiadm -e command expected dep or ind.
PITC iiadm tried to get a count of the number of sets
recognized by the kernel, but failed. This is a bug in
Dual copy failed, offset:%s
Kernel A sync or reverse sync was started but could not
complete, for one of the following reasons:.
• The user issued a logging request manually, causing
the sync or reverse sync to abort.
• The network link between the primary and the
secondary host failed, causing the sync or reverse
sync to stop.
• The primary or secondary volume encountered an
error and the remote mirror software was unable to
read or write to the volume.
• In a Sun Cluster environment, a failover of the
resource group might have been issued, causing the
sync ot reverse sync to be stopped.
Duplicate volume specified
PITC A command that can take multiple shadow volume
names (like update or copy) detected that a shadow
volume was specified more than once.
either <phost>:<pfile> or
<shost>:<sfile> is not local
either <phost>:<pvol> or
<shost>:<svol> is not local
RM The command was issued on a system that is not the
primary or secondary host for the specified set. Verify
the command is being issued on the proper system.
Empty string
Kernel An enable or resume request for a remote mirror set
was issued but a required field was not filled in when
the request was received in the kernel. This is not
something the user can control.
TABLE 3-1 Error Messages for the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software (Continued)
Error Message From Meaning