38 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Troubleshooting Guide • December 2003
unable to determine hostname:
RM Could not determine the host name of the system.
unable to determine IP addresses
for either host <phost> or host
RM The IP address for either the primary host or the
secondary host could not be determined.
unable to determine IP addresses
for hosts <host1>, <host2>
RM The IP addresses for the host names specified for the
primary or secondary hosts could not be determined.
Verify that the host names are in the /etc/hosts file.
unable to determine local hostname
PITC iiadm needed to find out the name of the host it is
running on, but was unable to do so.
unable to determine network
information for <host>
RM Network information for the secondary host could not
be determined. Verify the settings in the
/etc/nsswitch.conf file.
unable to determin the current
Solaris release: <error>
RM Look at rdc_check_release();
unable to find disk service,
<ctag>: <errno>
RM SunCluster could not find the specified disk service.
Unable to find disk service:%s
PITC iiadm could not determine whether a cluster device
group is active on the current host.
Unable to find <group> in
configuration storage
RM Could not find remote mirror group in configuration
database while trying to do a diskq operation.
Unable to find <shost>:<svol> in
configuration storage
RM Could not find remote mirror set in configuration
database while trying to do a diskq operation.
unable to find SNDR set
<shost>:<svol>: in config
RM The remote mirror set is not configured while trying to
set autosync, for one of the following reasons:
• The set could not be found in the configuration.
• The set is not configured in the configuration
Verify that the set is entered properly and matches a
set returned by the sndradm -i command.
Unable to fork
PITC iiadm ran out of process space.
unable to get maxsets value from
RM The remote mirror software failed to read the
sndr_max_sets value from the
/usr/kernel/drv/rdc.conf file.
unable to get set status before
reconfig operation
RM The remote mirror software could not get the kernel
Unable to initialize the kernel
thread set
Kernel The remote mirror software could not initialize a
kernel thread. Verify that the system is not running
low on memory.
TABLE 3-1 Error Messages for the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software (Continued)
Error Message From Meaning