Chapter 3 Error Messages 33
Overflow list access failure
PITC iiadm could not get a list of overflow volumes from
the kernel. Possible errors:
EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-
bound. File a bug against iiadm.
ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
Overflow volume is already in an
InstantImage group
PITC During an attach operation, iiadm determined that the
volume the user specified to attach to a compact
dependent set is already in use by another set as a
master, shadow, or bitmap volume.
overflow volume name must start
with /dev
PITC The overflow volume must exist in the /dev directory
Overflow volume not in a disk group
PITC The user attempted to attach a volume to a set, but the
set's volumes are part of a cluster device group and the
overflow volume is not.
Overflow volume not in same disk
group as shadow set members
PITC The user attempted to attach a volume to a set, but the
set's volumes are in a different cluster device group
than the overflow volume.
Recovery bitmaps not allocated
Kernel A full copy, update, sync, or reverse sync operation has
been requested but the bitmap on the primary host
cannot be accessed. Verify that the bitmap volume is a
valid volume and is not in an error state.
Request not serviced, %s is
currently being synced.
Kernel The user attempted to sync the remote mirror set, or
put the remote mirror set into logging mode, while a
previous sync request is being set up. If the user issued
a second sync request, the user must first put the
remote mirror set into logging mode and then issue the
sync. If the user issued a logging request, the user
must first wait for the sync request to finish setting up
and then issue the logging request. This stops the sync
and places the remote mirror set into logging mode.
Reset shadow failed
PITC iiadm could not reset the set. Possible errors:
EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-
bounds. File a bug against iiadm.
ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
DSW_EEMPTY: No set was specified to reset.
DSW_ENOTFOUND: The specified set could not be found
in the kernel.
EINVAL: Bitmap volume is invalid.
DSW_ERSRVFAIL: The kernel could not access one of
the volumes.
DSW_EHDRBMP: Could not set up bitmap header.
TABLE 3-1 Error Messages for the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software (Continued)
Error Message From Meaning