4-70 Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Switch Administration Guide • June 2003 ip address
Use this command to set the IP address for this device. Use the no form to restore
the default IP address.
ip address {ip-address netmask | bootp | dhcp}
no ip address
■ ip-address – The IP address
■ netmask – The network mask for the associated IP subnet. This mask identifies
the host address bits used for routing to specific subnets.
■ bootp – Obtains an IP address using BOOTP.
■ dhcp – Obtains an IP address using DHCP.
Default Setting
The default setting is: dhcp
ip dhcp client-
Specifies the DHCP client identifier for the switch.
Note that the System Controller assigns the client
identifier for the switch each time either it or the
switch boots. Therefore we do not recommend you
specify a client identifier.
VC 4-72
ip default-gateway Defines the default gateway through which an in-
band management station can reach this device
GC 4-74
show ip interface Displays the IP settings for this device PE 4-75
show ip redirects Displays the default gateway configured for this
PE 4-75
ping Sends ICMP echo request packets to another node on
the network
IP Packet Filtering
ip filter Blocks specified IP packets from entering the internal
management port (NETMGT) from other switch ports
GC 4-77
show ip filter Displays filter rules or captured packets PE 4-81
TABLE 4-12 IP Commands
Command Function Mode Page