TANDBERG Content Server printable online help 38
Understanding recording configurations
The Content Server records calls and can produce the resulting conferences in a range of formats
and sizes for users to watch or download. Conferences can be made available to all or selected
users, and given information to make them easier for users to find. All this is controlled by a
configuration called a Recording alias. See Displaying the Recording alias list.
If the system defaults are not suitable, then you can configure the following.
Recording aliases are created by the site manager. There are two types of Recording alias:
System Recording aliases, which can be used by any user with a creator or site manager role.
Personal Recording aliases, which have an owner. Recording alias owners must have a creator
role and can edit certain parts of their Recording alias.
TANDBERG recommends that site managers create one or more Personal Recording aliases for
each group or user with the creator role. See Adding & editing Recording aliases.
To record a call, users can:
Use the TANDBERG Management Suite (TMS), specifying a Recording alias to use to record a
scheduled conference.
Dial an address (H.323 ID, E.164 alias or SIP URI) of a Recording alias from an endpoint or
remote system to create an ad hoc conference.
Go to Conference setup > Create conference, select a Recording alias and dial out to create
an ad hoc conference. See Calling out to record.
A Recording alias is used to create a conference: it defines several properties (see the diagram
The Recording alias name that can be selected when scheduling a conference in TMS, or
dialing out from the Content Server web interface.
An owner. The owner must have a creator role and be added to the Groups & users list first.
Owners can edit certain parts of their Recording alias. See Adding & editing Recording aliases
for details of the properties that can be edited.
Dialing addresses (H.323 ID, E.164 alias or SIP URI depending on how the gatekeeper and
SIP settings are configured in Site settings) used to call to Content Server and record using this
Recording alias.
A Template which determines output sizes and formats. Recording alias owners can select
which Template they want to use in a Recording alias. Only site managers can add, edit or
delete Templates. Templates may also contain Media server configurations which contain
settings for where conference media is stored, and how it is streamed or distributed.
A Call configuration that specifies call settings such as dual video stream support, supported
call speeds, maximum call length, encryption, and advertised video and audio codecs. Only site
managers can select a Call configuration for a Recording alias.
Default conference information and a Category that is copied to conferences created with this
Recording alias. The Category must be added to the Categories list first. Site managers and
Recording alias owners should add as much default conference information as possible to
make conferences created with this Recording alias easy to find.