TANDBERG Content Server printable online help 43
Displaying the Categories list
A conference can be assigned a Category to make searching for conferences faster. Six Categories
come with the Content Server: Announcements, Education, General, Meetings, News and Training.
Each Category has a name and can have a description.
Site managers can display the Categories list: go to Management settings > Categories. From the
Categories list, they can:
Edit existing Categories: click Edit for the Category that you want to change.
Delete Categories: select the Category and click Delete selected. (If you delete a Category
that is in use in a conference or Recording alias, the conference or Recording alias then has no
Add new Categories: click Add category. There is no limit on the number of Categories that
can be added.
Recording aliases can be assigned a Category so that any conference created using the Recording
alias is assigned that Category.
Note: In the View Conferences pages, guests (unauthenticated users) and users with the viewer or
creator role who have logged in only see a Category in the drop-down list if there is a conference in
that Category that they have permissions to see. The number of conferences in each Category is
displayed in brackets. All Categories are displayed to site managers.