TANDBERG Content Server printable online help 47
Adding & editing Recording aliases
Site managers can create and update Recording aliases which define several recording properties.
One of these is the Recording alias type which determines whether it is a System Recording alias or
a Personal Recording alias. Personal Recording aliases have an Owner other than the local
administrator and the Owner of a Personal Recording alias can edit some of the properties of that
Recording alias - as explained in the table below.
A Recording alias is selected when selecting to record scheduled conferences using the TANDBERG
Management Suite (TMS), by dialing an address of a Recording alias or when creating an ad hoc
conference by calling out. For more information about using the Content Server with TMS, see Using
TMS to schedule conferences to be recorded on the Content Server and the TMS online help.
When using:
A gatekeeper, up to twenty four Recording aliases can be created when the Content Server is
registered to the gatekeeper in Terminal mode. There is no limit on the number of Recording
aliases when the Content Server is registered to the gatekeeper in Gateway mode
A SIP registrar, up to twenty four SIP registrations can be used.
Neither a gatekeeper or SIP registrar, only IP dialing is supported.
To add a new Recording alias:
1. Go to Conference Setup > Recording aliases.
2. Click Add Recording alias.
3. Complete the fields using the table below.
4. Click Save.
You can also use an existing Recording alias, change its fields (see below) and then click Save as.
To edit an existing Recording alias:
1. Go to Conference Setup > Recording aliases.
2. Click Edit for the Recording alias that you want to update.
3. Change any fields as appropriate using the table below.
4. Click Save.
Enter a meaningful name for the
Recording alias.
This helps TMS users to choose the correct
Recording alias when they choose to record
scheduled conferences, and users who are
creating ad hoc conferences by calling out.
Select either Personal or
Personal Recording aliases can only be used
by the Owner (see the next field). Owners of
Personal Recording aliases can edit some
properties of their Personal Recording
aliases but cannot change the Recording
alias type, owner, dialing properties or Call
System Recording aliases are available to all