Models 8752 & 8756 with Horizon® PumpOperating Procedures
Section 6 Operating Procedures
The Model 8752 has been selected to show you the
pictured step--by--step operating procedures for both
models contained in this manual. These models, for all
practical purposes of oper ation, are the same.
The size of the freezing cylinder(s) is 3.4 quarts (3.2
liters). The Model 8752 has one freezing cylinder and
the Model 8756 has two freezing cylinders. Mix is
stored in the lower front refrigerated compartment and
is pumped up to the freezing cylinder by a Horizon®
Duplicate the following procedures, where they apply,
for the second freezing cylinder on the Model 8756.
We begin our instructions at the point where we enter
the store in the morning and find the parts laid out to
air dry from the previous night’ s brush cleaning.
If you are disassembling the machine for the first time
or need information to get to this starting point in our
instructions, turn to page 33, “Disassembly” and start
Step 1
To install the drive shaft, lubricate the groove and shaft
portion that comes in contact with the bearing on the
beater drive shaft. Slide the seal over the shaft and
groove until it snaps into place. DO NOT lubricate the
hex end of the drive shaft. Fill the inside portion of the
seal with1/4” more lubricant and evenly lubricate the
end of the seal that fits onto the rear shell bearing.
Figure 9
Install the drive shaft through the rear shell bearing in
the freezing cylinder and engage the hex end firmly
into the gear box coupling. Be sure the drive shaft fits
into the d rive c oupling without binding.
Figure 10