Models 8752 & 8756 with Horizon® Pump Operating Procedures
Step 1
Prepare a pailof approved 100 PPM sanitizing solution
(examples: 2--1/2 gal. [9.5 liters] of Kay--5R or 2 gal.
[7.6 lit ers] of Stera--SheenR). USE WARM WATER
SPECIFICATIONS. Place the pail of sanitizing
solution inside the mix cabinet.
Step 2
Place the power switch in the ON position.
Step 3
Press the PUMP key. An indicator will light, indicating
the Horizon® pump is operating. This action will cause
the sanitizing solution to be pumped through the pump
and out through the pressure line. After approximately
15 seconds, press the PUMP key. The light will go out
and the pump will stop operation.
Figure 45
Step 4
Drain and connect the free end of the pressure line to
the check valve.
Figure 46
Step 5
Place an e mpty pail beneath the door spout and raise
the prime plug.
Figure 47
Press the WASH and PUMP keys. The lights will come
on, indicating the pump and beater motor are
operating. When a steady stream of sanitizing
solution is flowing from the pr ime plug hole in the
bottom of the freezer door, press the PUMP key,
stopping pump operation. Push down the prime plug
and allow beater agitation for 5 minutes.
Figure 48