Models 8752 & 8756 with Horizon® PumpOperating Procedures
Step 5
Place an empty pail beneath the door spout. Raise the
prime plug and press the WASH and PUMP keys.
Figure 61
Step 6
When a steady stream of rinse water is flowing from
the prime plug hole i n the bottom of the freezer door,
open the draw valve and drain all the rinse water .
Step 7
Once the rinse water stops flowing from the door
spout, close the draw valve and press the WASH and
PUMP keys to stop operation.
Step 8
Disconnect the pressure line f rom the c heck valve.
Drain the water and then reconnect.
Step 9
Repeat this procedure using clean warm water , until
the water being discharged is clear.
Repeat Steps 1 through 9 for t he second freezing
cylinder on the Model 8756.
Step 1
Prepare a pail of approved 100 PPM cleaning solution
(examples: 2--1/2 gal. [9.5 liters] of Kay--5R or 2 gal.
[7.6 lit ers] of Stera--SheenR). USE WARM WATER
SPECIFICATIONS. Place the pail of cleaning solution
inside the m ix cabinet and insert the suction line.
Step 2
Disconnect the pressure line from the check valve and
place it in the pail of cleaning solution.
Figure 62
Step 3
Press the PUMP key. This action will cause the
cleaning solution to be pumped through the Horizon®
pump and out through the p ressure line. After
approximately 1 5 seconds, press the PUMP key to
stop oper ation.
Step 4
Drain and connect the free end of the pressure line to
the check valve.
Figure 63