System Op er a tion
Fre quency Plan Over view
The BTR/TR-8XX has 36 fac tory de fined fre quency groups
and 12 user-programmable fre quency groups. A Group de --
fines the two base sta tion trans mit fre quen cies and thus the
two re ceive fre quen cies on all the beltpacks. A Chan nel de --
fines a base sta tion re ceive fre quency and thus a beltpack
trans mit frequency. A base sta tion re ceive chan nel that does
not have a fre quency set for it will have a dash to the right of
it on the Group/Chan nel se lect screen. De tails on set ting fre --
quen cies may be found in the “BTR-800 Menu Struc ture” and
“TR-8XX Menu Struc ture” in struc tions in this sec tion.
Fac tory-Defined Groups
The 36 fac tory-defined groups were care fully cho sen to avoid
cer tain intermod prod ucts and var i ous other pos si ble sources
of in ter fer ence. The Groups are set and can not be changed.
There is a lim ited num ber of chan nels which can be chosen
from within these groups.
The first 24 factory-defined groups (01A – 12B) are “pair”
groups that can be used for sin gle (up to 4 beltpacks) and dual
(up to 8 beltpacks) BTR-800 sys tems. They are ar ranged
01A, 01B, 02A, 02B…011B, 012A, 012B. A “pair” group,
like 1A and 1B, have dif fer ent base sta tion transmit fre quen --
cies, how ever, they both have the same eight base station re --
ceive chan nels from which to choose. Each chan nel rep re sents
a unique fre quency. For ex am ple, one BTR-800 could be set
on Group 02A and chan nels 01, 02, 03 and 04. The other
BTR-800 could be set on Group 02B chan nels 05, 06, 07 and
08. As long as the chan nels are dif fer ent, everything should
be fine.
The next 12 groups (13 – 24) are sin gle groups that primarily
are used for sin gle (up to 4 beltpacks) BTR-800 sys tems. The
num ber of chan nels from which to choose from in these
groups will vary from group to group.
User-Programmable Groups
The 12 user-programmable groups are ini tially empty. The
trans mit and re ceive fre quen cies are fully editable within these
groups. In fact, fac tory-defined groups may be cop ied to
user-programmable groups and then ed ited if de sired. See the
“BTR-800 Menu Struc ture” and “TR-8XX Menu Struc ture”
in struc tions in this sec tion for de tails on how to copy and edit
fre quen cies.
Sys tem Quick Start
Fol low the list be low to quickly get a base sta tion and
beltpack(s) op er at ing. When com pleted the user should have a
base sta tion and 1 to 4 beltpacks up and run ning with full op er --
a tional abil ity. The base sta tion will be on Group 01A with its
four re ceiv ers on chan nels 01, 02, 03 and 04. Each beltpack
will be on Group 01A with a unique trans mit chan nel num ber
match ing one of the base sta tion re ceive chan nels.
1. Plug-in the base sta tion via the sup plied power cord and
con nect the an ten nas. The color dots on the base should
match the color rings on the an ten nas.
2. Base sta tion rear panel switches: Trans mit power set to
High and on.
3. En sure base sta tion rear panel IC switch matches at tached
wired in ter com sys tem. If used stand alone or con nected to
a 4-wire sys tem then IC switch po si tion is Not Ap pli ca ble.
4. Press [MENU] as pow er ing-up the base sta tion. This will
place it on group 01A and set the re ceives on chan nels: 01,
02, 03, and 04.
5. Place the front panel IC A and IC B “IN” and “OUT” level
con trols in the 12:00 o’clock po si tion. Check that front
panel IC A and B is in 2-wire for AudioCom (Telex), RTS
-TW and ClearCom wired sys tems, and 4-wire for RTS
Ma trix and stand-alone op er a tion.
6. Place bat ter ies in the beltpacks.
7. Re move the rear switch cover on the beltpacks. Set the
beltpack rear panel slide switch to push-to-talk (PT
8. Press [MENU] as pow er ing-up each beltpack. This will
place the beltpack on group 01A with the chan nel 01
flash ing.
9. Use the [UP] and [DOWN] ar row but tons to change the
chan nel to match a channel on the base sta tion. Then press
[SET]. If leav ing on chan nel, just press [MENU]. Each
beltpack should have a unique chan nel num ber.
10. The group/chan nel on the beltpack should now match the
group and a re ceive chan nel on the base sta tion. Noth ing
should be flash ing on the beltpack screens.
11. Plug head sets into the beltpacks and set the mi cro phone
gain so the BAT/OM LED will flash at the be gin ning of
most words at nor mal speech lev els.