In tro duc tion
Gen eral De scrip tion
The Telex RadioCom™ BTR-800 UHF Syn the sized Wire less
in ter com sys tems of fer the ul ti mate in re li able,
high-performance, high-fidelity full-duplex com mu ni ca tions.
The BTR-800 sys tem in cludes the BTR-800 fre quency ag ile
base sta tion, work ing with up to four TR-800 or TR-825 fre --
quency ag ile beltpacks. The BTR-800 base sta tion pro vides
full-duplex com mu ni ca tions with the beltpacks.
The BTR sys tem in cor po rates two au dio chan nel op er a tion,
per mit ting the beltpack op er a tor to choose be tween two sep a --
rate au dio chan nels of com mu ni ca tions, with the base sta tion
track ing the beltpack se lec tion. This al lows the user the flex i --
bil ity to cre ate a party-line and a pri vate line within the same
The BTR-800 sys tem is per fectly suited for stand-alone op er a --
tion and also can in ter face with Audiocom® (Telex), RTS®
TW, Clear-Com®, as well as RTS Ma trix sys tems and other
4-wire com mu ni ca tions sys tems. In ad di tion to the ex ter nal in --
ter com sys tems in ter faces listed above, the sys tem pro vides
con nec tions for aux il iary bal anced au dio in put and out put, as
well as wire less talk-around (WTA) and stage an nounce (SA)
fea tures.
The RadioCom™ BTR se ries has been de signed for re li able,
ef fi cient op er a tion. Op er ating in the 470 to 740 MHz range,
the units op er ate re li ably at line-of-sight dis tances of 1,000
feet. With avail able an tenna sys tems, from Telex, the ef fec tive
op er at ing range can be ex tended. The high-efficiency
beltpacks pro vide up to 12 hours of un in ter rupted op er a tion
us ing stan dard al ka line bat ter ies.
Sys tem Fea tures
Fre quency-agile base sta tion and beltpacks. No ex ter nal
com puter/de vice re quired to se lect fre quen cies.
Backlit base-station LCD al lows the user to eas ily mon i -
tor the beltpack’s sta tus as well as change base-station fre -
quen cies.
ClearScan™ func tion on base sta tion and beltpack to au -
to mat i cally find the best chan nels on which to op er ate.
Full-duplex (si mul ta neous talk and lis ten) op er a tion.
Com pat i ble with Audiocom® (Telex), RTS TW, Ma trix,
Clear-Com® , and other wired in ter com types.
Two chan nels of in ter com au dio.
WTA (Wire less Talk Around) beltpack con trol. This fea -
ture al lows beltpacks to talk to each other, but their au dio
is lifted from any wired sys tem con nected to the base sta -
SA (Stage An nounce) beltpack con trol. Al lows the user to
di rect their au dio to a jack on the back of the base for P.A.
sys tems or other ex ter nal au dio sys tems.
Re lay con tact clo sure on the base when the SA but ton is
TR-825 fea tures two au dio chan nel bin au ral op er a tion in
ei ther ste reo or mono mode.
Beltpack units con tained in a weather and shock re sis tant
die cast mag ne sium case.
Con ve nient IEC power con nec tor on the base sta tion so
the unit can plug di rectly to out lets. No in-line or wall
plug power sup ply.
Base sta tion co mes with rack ears for easy rack mount ing.
RTS® and Audiocom® are reg is tered trade marks of Telex Com mu ni ca tions, Inc.
Clear-Com® is a reg is tered trade mark of Clear-Com In ter com Sys tems, Inc.