Ac ces sories and Re place ment Parts
Bracket for 1/2 wave An tenna
with 10 ft. of coax-
PN 71138000
BTR Power Cords
North Amer ica ................................................. 550024013
U.K. ....................................................................550024002
Eu ro pean ...........................................................550024000
Aus tra lian..........................................................550024018
BTR In ter com Dummy Load
Telex type...........................................................PN 878935
RTS type............................................................PN 878990
SA Re lay screw plug adapter..............................PN 2862046
TR LCD/switch cover ...........................................PN 450364
BP-700 TR Bat tery pack, al ka line
(bat ter ies not in cluded)..................................PN 71315-000
BP-700NM TR Nickel Metal Hy dride
Bat tery pack .................................................PN 71315-001
Euro ..................301778401
U.S./Can ada......301778100
Euro ..................301778101
Beltpack 1/4-wave an tenna
450-900 MHz Bi-Directional Log Pe ri odic An tenna In cludes
mount ing hard ware and 10 feet (3 me ters) of co ax ial ca ble with
TNC Con nec tors
P N. 878896
450-900 MHz Log Pe ri odic An tenna
In cludes mount ing hard ware and 10
feet (3 me ters) co ax ial ca ble with TNC
con nec tors
Or der No. 71147000
An tenna Ca bles
Spe cial low loss an tenna ca bles with TNC Con nec tors
1/2-Wave Ground Plane
In de pend ent An tenna
Base Sta tion 1/2 - Wave An ten nas
Tel x
Four Slot “Smart” Charger
with Four Nickel Metal
Hy dride Bat tery Packs
Single Slot “Smart” Charger
with Nickel Metal Hy dride
Bat tery Pack
Part No. Color Dot Fre quency C6 A2 B4 E88
879220-2 Black 485.0-553.9 MHz Rx Rx
879220-3 Yel low 554.0-635.9 MHz Rx Rx
879220-4 Green 636.0-725.9 MHz Tx Tx Tx
879220-1 Vi o let 425.0-488.0 MHz Tx
879220-5 Red 726.0-826.0 MHz
879220-6 Blue 826.0-930.0 MHz
Model No. Part No. Band Color Fre quency C6 A2 B4 E88
CLA-1 870658-1 Blue 520-564.9 MHz Tx
CLA-2 870658-2 Yel low 565-614.9 MHz Tx
CLA-3 870658-3 Red 615-659.9 MHz Rx
CLA-4 870658-4 White 660-689.9 MHz Rx
CLA-5 870658-5 Green 690-724.9 MHz Rx
CLA-6 870658-6 Or ange 725-760 MHz
CLA-8 870658-8 Pur ple 796-865 MHz
CLA-10 870658-10 Tan 470-506 MHz Rx
CLA-11 870658-11 Pink 515-548 MHz Tx
CLA-12 870658-12 Brown 542-575 MHz Tx
Model No. Length Or der No.
CXU-10 10 Ft. (3 me ter) 690419
CXU-25 25 Ft. (7.6 me ter) 71151-025
CXU-50 50 Ft. (15 me ter) 71151-050
CXU-75 75 Ft. (23 me ter) 71151-075
CXU-100 100 Ft. (30 me ter) 71151-100