6 F 3 B 0 3 6 2
6.5 Sample Programs
This section presents sample programs using UDP and TCP sockets.
1. UDP sockets
This is a sample program that issues the requests used with UDP sockets. It assumes that the
parameter set up and operating mode control requests (run mode/socket interface transmission
enable) have already completed.
a. UDP open request
This program issues a UDP open request for socket number 2 on the Ethernet Port.
This ladder program is executed by turning on the A contact on the R0620.
Parameters: 12544: 3100H, 00049: 0031H
UDP port number: 4000
| /* UDP open request: executed when R0620 is set on. */
| |
|R0620 |
1|-| |-+[12544 MOV RW000][00049 MOV RW001]----------------------------|
| | /* Module designation, CMD number setup */
| | |
| +[00002 MOV RW002][04000 MOV RW003]----------------------------|
| | /* Socket identifier, UDP port number setup */
| | |
| +[RW000 SEND RW010][RST R0620]---------------------------------|
| /* Turn R0620 off after request setup and completion. */
| |