6 F 3 B 0 3 6 2
7.1 T2N Special Relays and Registers
The Ethernet Port status information is reflected in the T2N special relays and special registers.
a. Special relays (the renewing cycle of 100 ms)
Special relay Name Function
S000B Ethernet Port error
1: The installed Ethernet Port unit is down.
(The T2N continues to operate.)
0: Reset the system from a user program after resolving the
error in the down Ethernet Port.
b. Special registers
T2N read out the internal station status of Ethernet Port and copy the SW register (the
renewing cycle of 100 ms).
Special registers Name
SW063 CH1 station status
c. Station status format
F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
• Bit F: DOWN (down)...........................................1: Down mode, 0: Other than down mode
• Bit E: INZ (initialization).....................................1: Initialization in progress
0: Initialization completed
• Bit D: STBY (standby).........................................1: Standby mode
0: Other than standby mode
• Bit C: RUN (run)..................................................1: Run mode, 0: Other than run mode
• Bit 5: MTEN (Message transmission)..................1: Enabled, 0: Prohibited
• Bit 4: STEN (socket interface transmission).........1: Enabled, 0: Prohibited
• Bit 0: TEST (test).................................................1: Test function execution in progress