6 F 3 B 0 3 6 2
2. UDP send request/broadcast send request (using the SEND instruction)
a. Function
This request sends local port register data using an open UDP socket.
Amount of data sent: 1 to 1000 words
b. Transfer parameters
A 3100H
Module designation, 1: channel number
A+1 CMD = 0032H
Command number
A+2 SportNO Socket identifier (1 to 8)
A+3 DIPAddress
Transmission destination IP address
A+4 (The input format is the same as that for the parameter
setup request.)
Transmission destination object socket UDP port number
A+6 WordSize
Transmission data length: 1 to 1000 words
Transmission data storage register type code
A+8 StreqNOD
Transmission data storage register number
Transmission data storage register type code: Type code for the register that holds the
transmission data. (See Figure 5.1)
Transmission data storage register number: Starting number of the registers that hold the
transmission data.
c. Status (See figure 4.3 for details on bits C, D, E and F.)
F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B SportNO TermSTS
B+1 Detailed information (Only valid when TermSTS = 0BH.)
d. Important items
• The T/C register flag data is not transmitted if the T/C registers are not specified as storage
registers for transmitted data.
• An error is returned if a send request is issued for a socket that is not yet opened.
Status: Transmission error (TermSTS = 0BH)
Detailed information: Unopened (0081H)
• An error is returned if a value other than 1 to 8 is specified as the socket identifier.
Status: Transmission error (TermSTS = 0BH)
Detailed information: Illegal socket identifier (0082H)
• If the IP address of the local port is specified as the transmission destination IP address, it will
be possible to send data, but it will not be possible to receive that data with a receive request.
SportNO: Socket identifier (1 to 8)
TermSTS:See tables 4.3 and 4.4.
Detail information: See table 4.5.