H5R & H5E AV500 Hybrid Wi-Fi Starter Kit
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• Version - you can choose the version of the WPA-PSK security on the drop-down list.
The default setting is Automatic, which can select
WPA-PSK (Pre-shared key of WPA)
or WPA2-PSK (Pre-shared key of WPA) automatically based on the wireless station's
capability and request.
• Encryption - When WPA-PSK or WPA is set as the Authentication Type, you can select
either Automatic, or TKIP or AES as Encryption.
If you check the WPA/WPA2-Personal radio button and choose TKIP encryption, you will find
a notice in red as shown in Figure 4-34.
Figure 4-34 WPA/WPA2 – Personal
• PSK Password - You can enter 8 to 63 ASCII characters or 8 to 64 Hexadecimal
characters. The default password is the same with the default PIN code, which is labeled
on the bottom of the router or can be found in Figure 4-29.
• Group Key Update Period - Specify the group key update interval in seconds. The
value should be 30 or above. Enter 0 to disable the update.
¾ WPA /WPA2- Enterprise - It’s based on Radius Server.
• Version - you can choose the version of the WPA security on the drop-down list. The
default setting is Automatic, which can select
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) or WPA2
(WPA version 2) automatically based on the wireless station's capability and request.
• Encryption - You can select either Automatic, or TKIP or AES.
If you check the WPA/WPA2-Enterprise radio button and choose TKIP encryption, you will
find a notice in red as shown in Figure 4-35.