H5R & H5E AV500 Hybrid Wi-Fi Starter Kit
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To add a new user account, please follow the steps below:
1. Click Add New User button, and the screen will appear as shown in Figure 4-64.
Figure 4-64 Add or Modify User Account
¾ User Name - Type the user name that you want to give access to the USB drive. The user
name must be composed of alphanumeric symbols not exceeding 15 characters in length.
¾ Password - Enter the password in the Password field. The password must be composed of
alphanumeric symbols not exceeding 15 characters in length. For security purposes, the
password for each user account is not displayed.
¾ Confirm Password - Re-enter the password here.
¾ Storage Authority – Choose Read and Write or Read Only from the drop-down list to
assign access authority of Storage Sharing to the user.
¾ FTP Access – Choose Read and Write, No or Read Only from the drop-down list to assign
access authority of FTP Server to the user.
¾ Save - You can click the Save button to save your settings.
¾ Back - You can click the Back button to discard the settings and just go to the media server
configuration page.
2. Self-define a User Name.
3. Enter the password in the Password field.
4. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.
5. Choose Read and Write or Read Only from the Storage Authority drop-down list.
6. Choose Read and Write, No or Read Only from the FTP Access drop-down list.
1) Please restart the service for the new settings to take effect.
2) If you cannot use the new user name and password to access the shares, press Windows +
R to open the Run dialog box and type net use \\ /delete /yes and press Enter.
( is your router's LAN IP address. If the LAN IP of the modem connected with