H5R & H5E AV500 Hybrid Wi-Fi Starter Kit
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3) To unplug the USB drive, click Eject Disk button first. Simply pulling USB drive out of the
USB port can cause damage to the device and loss of data.
4) Mounted volumes are subject to the 8-volume limit, so you cannot access more than 8
volumes on the USB storage device.
5) If you change the storage settings during the storage connection is established, then the
changes will not take effect until the router or the client is rebooted.
4.11.2 FTP Server
Choose menu “USB Settings → FTP Server”, and then you can create an FTP server that can
be accessed from the Internet or your local network.
Figure 4-56 FTP Server Configuration
¾ Service Status - Indicates the FTP Server's current status. You can click the Start button to
start the FTP Server and click the Stop button to stop it.
¾ Internet Access - Select Enable to allow access of the FTP server from the Internet.
Otherwise, select Disable to only allow local network access.
¾ Service Port - Enter the FTP Port number to use. The default is 21.
¾ Internet Address - Displays the address for Internet users to access the FTP server you
created. It is the same as the WAN IP address of this router.
¾ Public Address - Displays the address for users in a private LAN to access the FTP server
you created. It is displayed only when your WAN connection type is PPPOE/PPTP/L2TP
and a secondary connection IP address is available. It is the same as the secondary
connection IP address.
¾ Name - This folder's display name.
¾ Partition - The volume that the folder resides.
¾ Folder - The real full path of the specified folder.