15 Problem Solving
016-579 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because the scanned image could not be saved in the FTP server after
Check if the FTP server’s save location is correct.
016-580 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because the file or folder name on the FTP server could not be retrieved after
Check the access privilege to the FTP server.
016-581 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because the suffix of the file or folder name exceeded the limit after connection.
Change the file name, or change the destination folder on the FTP server. Or,
move or delete files from the destination folder.
016-582 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because file creation was not successful on the FTP server after connection.
Take one of the following actions:
• Check if the specified file name can be used in the save location.
• Check if enough space is available in the save location.
016-583 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because lock folder creation was not successful on the FTP server after
Take one of the following actions:
• If any lock directory (.LCK) exists in the forwarding destination, delete it
manually, and then try executing the job again.
• Check if the specified folder name can be used in the save location.
• Check if the same folder name exists in the save location.
• Check if enough space is available in the save location.
016-584 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because folder creation was not successful on the FTP server after connection.
Take one of the following actions:
• Check if the specified folder name can be used in the save location.
• Check if the same folder name exists in the save location.
• Check if enough space is available in the save location.
016-585 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because file deletion was not successful on the FTP server after connection.
Check the access privilege to the FTP server.
016-586 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because lock folder deletion was not successful on the FTP server after
Take one of the following actions:
• Check the access privilege to the FTP server.
• If any lock directory (.LCK) exists in the forwarding destination, delete it
manually, and then retry executing the job.
016-587 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because folder deletion was not successful on the FTP server after connection.
Check the access privilege to the FTP server.
016-588 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because the data could not be written in the FTP server after connection.
Check if enough space is available in the save location.
016-589 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because the data could not be read from the FTP server after connection.
Check the access privilege to the FTP server.
Code Description and Remedy