15 Problem Solving
018-781 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
machine could not connect to the server. Use the following methods:
• Check the network cables are connected.
• Check the target server’s operating status.
Check that the server name in the [LDAP Server/Directory Service] settings in
[Remote Server/Directory Service] is correct.
018-782 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 82 (program error or
SSL authentication error) during the address book query. Check the LDAP
server status.
018-783 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 83 (send message
encoding error) during the address book query. Check the LDAP server status.
018-784 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 84 (receive message
decoding error) during the address book query. Check the LDAP server status.
018-785 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 85 (search result
timeout) during the address book query. Review the search conditions and
search root entry, then repeat the same operation. Contact the network
administrator if the problem persists.
018-786 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 86 (unknown
authentication method specified) during the address book query. Check the
LDAP server status.
018-787 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 87 (invalid search filter
supplied) during the address book query. Review the search conditions. Contact
the network administrator if the problem persists.
018-788 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 88 (operation
cancelled) during the address book query. Check the LDAP server status.
018-789 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 89 (parameter error)
during the address book query. Check the LDAP server status.
018-790 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 90 (memory allocation
error) during the address book query. Check the LDAP server status.
018-791 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 91 (server connection
error) during the address book query. Check the LDAP server status.
018-792 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 92 (unsupported
function) during the address book query. Check the LDAP server status.
018-793 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 93 (result not returned)
during the address book query. Check the LDAP server status.
Code Description and Remedy