15 Problem Solving
116-220 The machine failed to move onto the Download mode. Contact the Xerox
Welcome Center.
116-392 The Printer or PostScript kit is attached to an improper slot on the controller
board. Attach the Printer or PostScript kit to the correct slot.
116-701 Unable to print double-sided due to insufficient memory. Check if memory is
installed correctly. If the problem persists, contact the Xerox Welcome Center.
116-702 Data was printed using a substitute font. Check the print data.
116-703 An error occurred during PostScript processing. Check the print data, or disable
bi-directional communication on the print driver.
116-713 The data was divided because the hard disk ran out of space. Delete
unnecessary data from the hard disk.
116-720 A print error occurred due to insufficient memory. Close unused ports or delete
unnecessary data.
116-740 A print error occurred. A parameter value is greater than the limit value. Check
the print settings.
116-749 The print job was stopped, because the specified font was not found. Install the
font, or enable the font substitution setting in the print driver.
116-752 The description in the PDF print job ticket has a problem. Repeat the same
procedure. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center if the problem persists.
The parameter values were corrected, because the machine encountered a
problem when printing the data. If the received image is incomplete or
damaged, ask the sender to check the image and to resend the data. When
Internet Fax forwarding is enabled, check with the recipient if the image has no
116-780 The document attached to the received e-mail has a problem. Check the
attached document.
116-790 • If the machine did not staple any print sets, check that the specified stapling
position is appropriate, and then try again.
• If a user stops a confidential Fax or Internet Fax print job while the machine is
printing the data of the job, the machine will not staple the first print set.
Manually staple the first set in that case.
123-400 The machine has detected a software-related problem. Switch off the machine,
and then switch it on again. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center if the problem
124-328 A punch unit was not found. Specify a punch unit following the screen
124-701 Due to a malfunction in the specified tray (left side tray), the output destination
was changed to the center tray. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center. The other
trays are available.
124-702 Due to a malfunction in the specified tray (finisher tray), the output destination
was changed to the center tray. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center. The other
trays are available.
124-705 The punch setting was cancelled.
Check the punch position, and try again.
Code Description and Remedy