5-39 Network Setup
Outgoing Mail Server—Specify the IP address of the server (SMTP) on your network
that handles outgoing e-mail.
You can enter a maximum of 64 characters.
NOTE: You must define both an Incoming and Outgoing mail server. If an Outgoing
mail server is not defined, the e-mail service assumes that the incoming and outgoing
server names are the same.
Connection Timeout/Timeout—Specify the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that
will elapse as the EX7750 attempts to connect to the mail server.
Polling Interval—Specify, in seconds, how often the EX7750 checks the mail server for
relevant e-mail.
Account Name/Mailbox Account Name—Enter the mailbox name specified on the mail
server. This name tells the Fiery client mail service which account contains e-mail
messages for the EX7750.
This is the internal name your network recognizes, which is not necessarily the same as
User Name.
Use the following characters for the account name:
0-9 A-Z, ! # $ % & % & ‘ * + - / = ? ^ _ ‘ { | } ~
You can enter a maximum of 64 characters.
NOTE: The account name entered in this field must first be specified on the mail server
by the administrator.