4-18 Performing Setup from the Control Panel
Port Setup options
Protocol Setup options
Network Setup
Port Setup
To configure the EX7750, choose the port type you use and enter the settings for
that port. Since network setups are nested, the names of higher-level menus are
shown in this chapter to the left of each menu heading.
Ethernet Setup
Enable Ethernet
Yes/No [Yes]
Select Yes if you have Ethernet cabling connected to the EX7750.
Ethernet Speed
Auto Detect/1 Gbps/100 Mbps Full-Duplex/100 Mbps Half-Duplex/
10 Mbps Full-Duplex/10 Mbps Half-Duplex [Auto Detect]
Select an appropriate setting according to the settings of the network to which the
EX7750 is connected.
NOTE: When you select Auto Detect, make sure that the auto-negotiation settings
for speed and duplex are configured for the network port to which the EX7750 is
connected. Similarly, when you select a different setting such as 100 Mbps
Full-Duplex, make sure the same settings are configured for the network port.
NOTE: The 1 Gbps (gigabit per second) setting is full-duplex.
To configure the EX7750, choose each protocol and enter the settings for that
protocol. You can enable AppleTalk, TCP/IP, and IPX/SPX communication
Network Setup
Protocol Setup
AppleTalk Setup
Enable AppleTalk
Yes/No [Yes]
Select Yes if you have an AppleTalk network connected to the EX7750. This setting
enables the EX7750 to communicate over AppleTalk networks.
Exit Protocol Setup
AppleTalk Setup
TCP/IP Setup
Protocol Setup