I-5 Index
printer fonts on server 4-7
printing font list 4-7
Form Length option 4-48, 5-44
frame types supported
AppleTalk 4-23
IPX/SPX, Ethernet 4-23, 5-12
TCP/IP 4-23
From List option (adding a file server) 4-32
Functions menu, Control Panel 4-6, 4-7
gateway address
assigned automatically 4-21
gateway address, setting 4-21
General Setup options 5-6 to 5-7
Get Gateway Address Automatically
option 4-21
guest login (Novell)
in Bindery Setup 4-32
in Network Setup A-3
Hide FieryBar command 7-20
Hold queue 4-45, 5-41
described 3-1, 3-2
host name 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, A-6
database 2-2
http (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 1-1
IMAP (Internet Message Access
Protocol) 1-1
improving color server performance 7-18
Incoming Server option, E-mail
Setup 4-40, 5-38
Installer WebTool, see WebTools
installing color server on network 1-2
accessing server with WebTools 3-4
WebLink access 6-3
Internet Printing Protocol, enabling 4-39
IP address
assigning automatically 4-20
for Ethernet Setup 4-21
required for TCP/IP printing 2-17
IPP Setup 4-39
IPX (Novell) 2-8 to 2-14
Bindery file server, connecting 4-30
NDS (Novell Directory
Services) 2-12, 4-24, 5-15
NetWare client setup 2-13
NetWare server setup 2-10
network diagram 1-7
overview of printing 2-9
setting up printing 2-10
terms used to describe 4-30
tips for experts 2-9
polling interval 5-32
protocol setup 4-23
selecting frame types 4-24
Setup 4-23
summary of Setup options 4-16
Java to support Internet browser 6-1
Job Log
clearing automatically 4-55
clearing jobs from 7-5
default options 4-54
defined 4-54
printing automatically 4-55
printing from the Control Panel 4-7
setting the page size used 4-55
Job Log Setup
from Control Panel 4-54
from Windows computer 5-7
job management tools
defined xiii
deleting jobs with 7-5
printing Job Log 4-54
reprinting jobs in Printed queue 4-15
Jobs Saved in Printed Queue
option 4-15, 5-6