PCI v3.0.151 Getting Started Guide www.xilinx.com 15
UG157 August 31, 2005
Installing the Core
the location of the Xilinx installation. Note that you may need system
administrator privileges to install the update.
6. Confirm the directory structure in one of the following ways:
• For Windows:
• For UNIX:
If you do not see this directory structure, recheck the directory to which you extracted
the archive and try again.
7. Restart the CORE Generator. During start-up, the CORE Generator automatically
detects new versions of IP available in your installation and lets you specify which IP
customizers (cores) will be visible in your current CORE Generator project.
8. Choose one of the following options:
• Display only the latest versions for all cores in the catalog
• Update the catalog view to add only new cores to the display
• Make a Custom selection of visible cores in your current project
9. Determine if the installation was successful by verifying that the new cores are visible
in the CORE Generator GUI.
10. If the new cores aren’t visible, return to Step 6 to verify the directory structure. If the
directory structure is incorrect, return Step 4 to verify that the directory was extracted
to the correct location.
For additional assistance installing the IP Update, contact the Xilinx Hotline.
Direct Download of Standalone Core
The PCI core can be downloaded from the Xilinx website and used outside of the CORE
Generator by downloading a .zip file containing the core and other necessary supporting
files. Note that you must purchase the core to use this option.
1. After purchase, you will receive a letter containing a serial number, which is used to
register for access to the lounge, a secured area of the PCI product page. Go to
and choose the
appropriate link to gain access to the core you purchased.
2. From the core’s product page, click Register to register and request access to the
lounge. Xilinx will review your access request and typically grants access to the lounge
in 48 hours. (Contact Xilinx Customer Service if you need faster turnaround.)
3. After you receive confirmation of lounge access, click Access Lounge from the
appropriate PCI product page and log in.
This page lists the current build of the core as well as previous builds. For new designs
or to update an existing design, select the current version of the core.
4. From the table, select the desired version. A page specific to the version appears.
5. Click the link to the .zip file to download it. After saving the .zip file, unzip it to the
desired location on your system.
6. If desired, customize the core settings by following the instructions in Chapter 5,
“Customizing the PCI Interface” of the PCI v3.0 User Guide.