PCI v3.0.151 Getting Started Guide www.xilinx.com 41
UG157 August 31, 2005
Model Technology ModelSim
3. Modify the library search path by changing <Xilinx Install Path> to match the
Xilinx installation directory and then save the file.
Most of the files listed are related to the example design and its testbench. For other
testbenches, the following subset must be used for proper simulation of the PCI interface:
-y <Xilinx Install Path>/verilog/src/unisims
-y <Xilinx Install Path>/verilog/src/simprims
This list does not include any configuration file, user application, top level wrapper, or
testbench. These additional files are required for a meaningful simulation.
4. Invoke ModelSim, and ensure that the current directory is set to:
<Install Path>/verilog/example/func_sim
5. To run the simulation:
do modelsim.do
This compiles all modules, loads them into the simulator, displays the waveform viewer,
and runs the simulation.
1. Navigate to the functional simulation directory:
cd <Install Path>/vhdl/example/func_sim
2. View the ping.files file. This file lists the individual source files required, and is
shown below:
Most of the files listed are related to the example design and its testbench. For other
testbenches, the following subset must be used for proper simulation of the PCI interface:
This list does not include any configuration file, user application, top level wrapper, or
testbench. These additional files are required for a meaningful simulation.
3. Invoke ModelSim, and ensure that the current directory is set to the following: