PCI v3.0.151 Getting Started Guide www.xilinx.com 57
UG157 August 31, 2005
Model Technology ModelSim
cp ../xilinx/pcim_top_routed.sdf .
2. View the ping.files file. This file lists the individual source files required, and is
shown below:
3. Invoke ModelSim, and ensure that the current directory is set to:
<Install Path>/vhdl/example/post_sim
4. Create the simprim library. This step is required only once, the first time you perform
a simulation:
vlib simprim
vcom -93 -work simprim <Xilinx Install
vcom -93 -work simprim <Xilinx Install
vcom -93 -work simprim <Xilinx Install
5. Type the following to run the simulation:
do modelsim.do
This step compiles all modules, loads them into the simulator, displays the waveform
viewer, and runs the simulation.