Architect & Engineer Specification
8200-2608-01 B0 VideoEdge
Network Video Recorder 11 of 20
b. Day-of-Week Selection
c. Hour-of-Day Selection
d. Recording Mode Selection per Hour – (No Recording, Continuous
Recording, Alert-Based Recording, Continuous with Alert-based
41. The Network Video Recorder software shall be designed to provide both
redundancy and high availability as standard built-in features.
42. The Network Video Recorder software shall include configuration support
for up to two levels of automatic storage fail-over. In the event that the
designated primary storage encounters a problem, the system shall
automatically switch to a designated level one storage device to provide
continuous recording. In the event that a problem occurs with level one
storage device, the system shall automatically switch to an alternative
designated level two storage device. The optional storage fail-over drives
must be setup on the Network Video Recorder.
43. The Network Video Recorder software shall include server-based fail-over
support for 1-to-1, many-to-1 and many-to-many configurations. When a
Network Video Recorder is setup to be a standby fail-over server, it shall be
setup to monitor one or more active Network Video Recorders. When a
failure is detected, the standby fail-over server shall automatically take
control over all cameras and provide the same user and access rights as the
failed server. The standby fail-over server shall have its own storage
resources, be on the same network segments, and licensed to support the
Network Video Recorder with the largest number of camera slots.
44. The Network Video Recorder shall be designed to provide a very secure
45. The Network Video Recorder software shall operate as a secure enterprise IP
appliance server designed to operate on a hardened and embedded Linux
operating system, shall not accept any keyboard or mouse input at the
physical server, and utilize true server-client architecture to provide a "lights-
out" operation.
46. The Network Video Recorder software shall not be susceptible to daily patch
management like other standard distribution operating systems. This shall
reduce the administration overhead for each Network Video Recorder as well
as limit the exposure to security risks.
47. The Network Video Recorder software shall function in a read-only mode to
all users and administrators of the system. This shall provide stronger
protection against virus and other malicious programs. This also eliminates
the recurring cost for third party security software such as anti-virus, anti-
spam, firewall, spyware, and intrusion prevention.
48. The Network Video Recorder software shall provide no file-level access to
all users and administrators of the system. This shall protect against deletion