Operating Manual - WR-5e Remote Control for NE Products
Since there are many possible gain adjustment points within the various NE products, the
WR-5 displayed gain level is only a relative adjustment for that WR-5. In other words, gain could
be changed elsewhere in the host unit, independent from WR-5 control. The WR-5 can adjust gain
from a relative 0 to 99, and an upper and lower number limit can be set in the function range section
to limit the maximum and minimum reach of that control.
When a gain control button is pressed, its LED ashes and the up/down buttons determine gain.
If the up/down buttons remain idle for ve seconds, the gain button becomes inactive until being
pressed again.
If a Zone Output is active for that WR-5, meaning one or more output checkboxes are selected
within the Zone Setup area, the WR-5 up/down buttons and numeric display will revert (after ve
seconds of inactivity) from the individual button gain mode to the overall output gain adjust mode
for that zone. If no output is selected for that zone, the display shows “--” as the default.
5) Channel Engage/Mute - A button can be congured to engage or mute a channel or group
of channels. The button LED is on when the channel(s) are engaged on.
6) Zone Source Selection - This is used to select one or more inputs for the zone under WR-5
control. When multiple zone source select buttons are assigned uniquely different or overlapping
inputs, each button will simply add to or subtract from the other’s input selections, unless the Ex-
clusive Source Selection box is checked in the zone setup, in which case only the current button’s
selected inputs will be used.
The Disable Zone Level Control software checkbox allows input source selections to be
changed from the WR-5, but not the output gain. The output gain can still be adjusted from soft-
ware, but the WR-5 user is locked out from making zone output gain changes.
7) Logic Output Active High - This allows the user to toggle the Logic Output assigned pin to
the button. The LED is on when the output is High.
8) Logic Output Active Low- The LED is on when the output is Low.
9) Matrix Mixer - This is used to select one or more inputs for the zone under WR-5 control,
and allows level control of that group at the dsp matrix mixer point.