ASUS TV Tuner Card/Box
CLEV is a video enhancement technology from CyberLink that dynamically
adjusts the brightness, contrast, and saturation if the movie you are watching
contains scenes that are too dark or bright.
Options other than Original require more system resources to run.
Load Default Settings. Return the settings on this page to their original
Apply. Effect the changes you made.
Audio settings
Speaker Environment. Match the number of speakers you have.
SPDIF. Enable digital audio output.
Output Mode. Determine the special processing used on the audio signal.
Experiment with the available settings to decide which you prefer.
Audio Channel Expander. Expand the range of sound of four- or
six-speaker output.
CLMEI is an audio channel expansion technology from CyberLink that
converts stereo audio sound and outputs it to multiple channels. There are
three variations: CLMEI - Movie for watching movies, CLMEI - Music for
regular music output, and CLMEI - Onstage for a more live sound.
Dynamic Range Compression. Options for different listening environments.
Normal Environment. Create a standard virtual listening environment.
Quiet Environment. Emphasize even the slightest sound effect in a movie.
Noisy Environment. Amplify low range audio signals, which are especially
suitable for notebook computers.
Load Default Settings. Return the settings on this page to their original
Apply. Effect the changes you made.