DVD Writer User’s Guide
Filename: s3adndd.doc Title: Self Cover [complete version]
Template: HP-Print2K.dot Author: billm Last Saved By: billm
Revision #: 17 Page: 11 of 30 Printed: 10/16/02 02:38 PM
5 Insert a blank or appendable CD or DVD.
6 Use the drop-down menus to select the device
(drive), speed, and video format. You can
place a check in the Save a copy to disk check
box to save a copy of your video file to your
hard drive. Type in a name for the file, and
then click OK. Your movie file is recorded to
CD or DVD.
Refer to the Help (?) menu in ShowBiz for more
information about editing and recording your
video files.
Recording Video Files
You can use RecordNow, MyDVD, or ShowBiz to
record video files to CDs and DVDs.
Video quality depends on the quality of the
source files and the PC speed and graphics
processing ability.
If your video files are already stored on your
hard drive or on a DVD, you can use MyDVD to:
Record video files directly to disc.
Open a new MyDVD project.
Open an existing MyDVD project.
Edit a pre-recorded OpenDVD
or VCD
(DVD+RW or CD-RW discs).