100 F
Emerson Process Management Manufacturing GmbH & Co. OHG
2 - 15
ATEX Instruction Manual
January 2004
2-7-2 Mains Connection
2-7-2 Mains Connection
2-7-2-1 Purge System
Remove the pressurization system control
unit’s cover.
The mains power line cord has to be
connected to the terminals 7 (N) and 9 (L) ,
the PE conductor is connected to separated
terminals in the lower left corner ot the
enclosure (fig. 2-4).
Recommended standard mains connection
is done by using separate cords for analyzer
and pressurization system.
This configuration allows to activate the
safety device indepently from the analyzer
to purge the analyzer enclosure before
switching on.
Verify that the mains voltage
at the point of installation
meets the system nominal
Re-install the cover!
Fig. 2-4
Terminal location pressurization system control unit
In case of pressurization
failure the analyzer will not be
shut off!
If automatic shut off is
required an external switch
(relay), additional wiring and
use of alarm contacts is
Terminal 7 (N; Lo)
Terminal 9 (L; Hi)
PE terminals