4.3.1 Playback
Mouse: Right-click while viewing cameras to bring up menu bar and click to start playback.
Front panel: Press button while viewing cameras to directly start playback.
4.3.2 Reverse playback
Mouse: Right-click while viewing cameras to bring up menu bar and click to start rewind.
Front panel: Press button while viewing cameras to directly start rewind.
4.3.3 Pause
Mouse: While in playback mode, right-click to bring up menu bar and click either or to pause
the video.
Front panel: While in playback mode, press either
keys to pause the video.
4.3.4 Fast forward
Mouse: While in playback mode, right-click to bring up menu bar and click
to start fast forward. Click
the button again to increase playback speed to higher level (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, or max).
Front panel: While in playback mode, press key to start fast forward. Press the key
again to increase
speed to higher level (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, or max).